Connect Four AI
An artificial intelligence to perfectly solve the game of Connect Four.
Here, you can find a list of my different projects.
An artificial intelligence to perfectly solve the game of Connect Four.
An Artificial Intelligence to play the game Snake, using a Genetic Algorithm.
A simulation of birds using Neural Networks and a Genetic Algorithm.
An implementation of a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) neural network from scratch to recognize handwritten digits.
Implementations of the Tic-Tac-Toe game and a simple AI in multiple languages.
My Project Euler track in Rust.
My TIPE project for 2022-2023, using the Viola-Jones method to detect STOP signs in images.
A cross-platform, electron-based LaTeX editor.
Fluid dynamics simulator based on the numerical resolution of Navier-Stokes’s equations.
The implementation of a backtracking algorithm to solve Tektonik game grids.
A clone of the famous Java game, coded entirely from scratch in C++ with OpenGL.
A 2D open source roguelike, entirely coded during a summer with Godot Engine.